So I had bought Grand Theft Auto 3 just before making my own machine. I tried (just for the hell of it) to run it on my barely-minimum-requirements Dell, and as I expected, it sucked. I was running the game at 640x480 (16) and it looked like the roads were missing huge chunks

I said, "what the heck, I'll just wait until my new PC is built and then I'll be kickin' ass".

Well, now it's built and while it's definitely faster, I can't seem to get great performance out of it. I first tried maxing out the display size at 1600xwhatever, but that was so slow and choppy. I then worked my way down to something like 1024x768, and it was still choppy, although not as much so.

I just don't see why I'm only going to be able to move up to 800x600 after this huge upgrade to a processor that's about 4 times as fast, and 4 times the amount of RAM.

So I'm guessing it's my video card. It's a bit annoying that this is the bottleneck that's preventing this game from working its best. It is only an ATI AIW Radeon (the first one, not the 7000 or 8000 series), and I believe is 32MB.

Do you think my video card is the only thing holding it back, or is there something else? I realize I'm running Win2K, particularly known for it's gaming (;)), but there must be something i can do.

Thanks for your help!