check "Dial whenever a network connection is not present.Thanks, this is essential information:
The empeg folks better check that they cover this before they release the ethernet option to a public that is less network aware that the many administrators that (also) populate this board.Once emplode/Windows decided they needed to
dial-in to get a network connect to Mk2 there was nothing left to stop them: any attempt to cancel dial-in networking launched another without terminating the hung one. In the end, windows needed a power reset (pull the plug) to re-vive.

Not surprising, the same happened with this check-box marked, but when the network appeared to fail.
I've fiddled around enough now that emplode attempts to find Mark2 without starting Dial-up Networking, but it stll can't connect via ethernet. With only the ethernet connect plugged in, emplode keeps looking for the empeg without finding it. Once I plug in the USB cable they connect OK. Does this mean that I still don't have a network connect? Anything else to change in windows configuration?
- The board settings (in Configuration - properties)) for my new adaptor (it says it's a NIC) are said to be bound with TCP/IP.
- The TCP/IP properties for it are blank. Do they maybe need things like WINS / DNS (they're disabled now) , IP Address / Mask, or Gateway Address?
Or is the network totally gone now, such that emplode is just looking for an USB connect?
Any more suggestions?
(No urgency though. If this starts to become too complicated, I'll wait for an emplode version that properly supports a network connect. Just hoping it is sufficiently intelligent or documented to get people like me going).
mk2 nr 6