Although it would require a lot of screen scraping and special-case coding to work, how about this:
- If they have reached the seektool screen, and they are obviously cycling through all of the info modes quickly (they've just changed from the last info mode and now they've pressed the button again within 1 sec or so), then treat it like they wanted to change info modes again, it's just another infomode press.
- If they have been on the seektool screen for a while (say, more than 1 sec or so) without pressing the button, then assume they want to enter/exit seektool mode and the button does the empeg default behavior.
- If they enter and exit seektool mode quickly without turning the knob, then assume they want to go back to cycling the info mdes again and do the hijack info press.
This sounds complicated, but I think it would work well.
Either that or we could lobby then to put it back to the original behavior (no volume in seektool mode).