automated sniping is lazy, cowardly, and ultimately pointless IMO.

  • Lazy... yes in most cases
  • Cowardly... I see where you're coming from, but I don't think that's the right word
  • Pointless... Not unless you are lazy

There are plenty of that people don't want to pay for a Windows sniping program or pay the Esnipe fee. There are also people that don't know about automated sniping. So, there will always be people sitting there at 5AM when an aucion ends trying to win. Truthfully, I will manually snipe if the item is that important since I only trust ensipe for nick-knacks and stuff I don't want to watch all week.

That said, most of the stuff I win with esnipe are things I could live without. I also use it as a bookmark for good auctions. If I want to place a bid that can easily be retracted, esnipe is great. It gives me time to think over an item without forgetting where or what it was. Esnipe, for me, is well worth whatever it is they charge. Just my opinion.
-Rob Riccardelli
80GB 16MB MK2 090000736