I'm getting the distinct feeling that guy doesn't like Apple. I thought they were supposed to be perfect, but then again, I had Apple thrust upon me at school. If you wanted to use a real computer ie. an Archimedes or even a PC, you had to climb four flights of stairs to a draughty room on the top floor.

I find it amazing that my school made sure that almost nobody was able to use a PC upon finishing their studies. Not everyone is going to be a journalist or graphic designer. I recently visited my old school (my father is still a teacher there) and spoke to the head of IT, only to find that they've gotten rid of all the Acorns and bought even more bloody Apples. Difficult to train someone to work in a business environment (which is predominantly PC orientated) when they can't even eject a floppy disk without searching through the menus in Windows 98, I should know I've seen it. I to point out to the kid using the PC that they had to use the eject button on the front of the PC instead. I always had the feeling they backed the wrong horse...

They also had a cupboard full of Betamax machines!

Andy M