And if I'm not mistaken, this Launcher requires a custom init?

Well... yeah. I don't trust my patching skills enough to actually write it into the hijack kernal, though it doesn't look it should be that complex. Not to mention that my computer is incredibly slow, so I don't want to compile a new kernal. Not to mention not wanting to have to upload on entire kernal every time I want to test it.

I'm talking about something much simpler than that.

I've distributed the code (which gets you 95% of the way to your goal) with launcher, so feel free to take the reins instead of just begging for someone else to do it.

- FTP the file "empacman" to /drive0/var/

- Tag the "empacman" file with the Read and Execute flags.

- Edit config.ini and add [Userland] Empacman=/drive0/var/empacman

- Reboot the player. Empacman will now appear as an option in the Hijack menu.

Which is what Launcher allows. Heck, you don't even have to reboot the player. Yeah, there's still a bit of work involved, but at least it's a step in the right direction, and a pretty major one considering what you had before. You've got a great way of making me feel like my effort was worth something. Makes me wonder why I even bothered to try and contribute back to the community at all.