So now AT&T needs to be responsible for the content they give people access to? Lets take some companies that excel in communications and data transfer and make them responsible for morally policing the Internet. Aside from the absurdly of ISPs being our moral security, the issue of having such companies spend all of their time checking web page content so they won't get sued as opposed to making their internet services better for the consumer seems to be a pretty unproductive goal.

It is true that the record companies provide value and they should be compensated, but they have long since worn through any goodwill they might receive for the services they render. To expect people now to 'do the right thing' by a company that treats its customers like children is becoming more and more of a stretch. I still don't download mp3's off of the internet or illegally copy music, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to convince others other to take this position when they only ones who benefit are so irresponsible and greedy.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.