In reply to:

What did you mean about adding extra references to the already uploaded FIDs?

I meant that I expected it to upload the tune once, and put it into two playlists. And that's exactly what happens with a M3U containing absolute names, so there's no bug there.

In reply to:

is the Artist 1 directory relative to the directory the m3u file is in?

That's what I was doing (I was generating the M3U file using "find * -name '*.mp3' >playlist.m3u"). I ought to check what Grip generates when you tell it to produce a M3U file. Can anyone here give an authoritative statement of whether this is the correct way to write M3U files, or, better, point us at a specification?

Later: this is exactly what Grip writes. So, for example, I can do something like "xargs ls -l <./playlist.m3u" and have it work, if I'm in the directory that contains the M3U file.

As to the issue with on-player soups - I haven't used any of these yet (though I might put a "Marked tracks" view on my player sometime), so I don't know what the Right Thing is. I would go with counting them at least for now, and only consider changing that when we're confident that there are no other bugs that could interfere (so we are more confident that subsequent misbehaviour is due to this).
Toby Speight
030103016 (80GB Mk2a, blue)
030102806 (0GB Mk2a, blue)