Hello everyone.
I have had similar problems with my 60GB player. I also have a 20GB player, but haven't had problems with it. Both players are Rio Mark2a running 2.13b/no Hijack. 60GB player has 4700 tracks, 20GB has 1000.
Yesterday I stumbled on a way to duplicate the wave pausing on a consistant basis.
Here's what to do:
Enable display of hard disk icon.
Set player display mode to Info/Track.
This will probably work best with a wave file that's 2min/20MB or longer.
1. Play the wave file.
2. At 2 seconds playtime, hit pause.
3. Wait untill the drive icon goes out completely.
4. Hit pause again to resume playing the track.
On my 60GB unit the following happens:
At 41 seconds of play, the "drives are spinning up" icon (empty center) appears. Track still plays normally.
At 43 seconds, a "W" appears next to the icon and the track halts.
Half a second to a second later the "W" disappears, the "data is being read" icon appears, and the track resumes playing.
On my 20GB unit the following happens:
At 46 seconds of play, the "drives are spinning up" icon (empty center) appears.
At 48 seconds, the "data is being read" icon appears.
There is no pause.
I tried several waves of different sizes and this happens every single time.
For those having the sound dropouts, can you try the above to see if you have similiar results?