
The warnings from the player are basically that you have reached the pre-configured maximum number of times you mounted the filesystem without a check. It is asking you to run fsck to clear it. You can either follow the FAQ entry, or perform a sync through emplode. Either will clear it.

The error 19 & 6 are normal and are nothing to worry about.

As to the keyboard driver error, it sounds like your system is a bit confused. Check your com port settings in logoedit - you might be sending to a com port that doesn't exist. Also, if you are doing something strange with plug and play (forcing values, etc.) your keyboard might be tied into the "standard" com port values. That is the only thing I can think of that would do that kind of thing. Doublecheck your settings in logoedit to verify which com port you are using.

Also, can you get to the empeg with hyperterminal??? (edit) Obviously you can. Did you have hyperterminal open when you tried logoedit? Also make certain the settings from hyperterminal and logoedit match.

Edited by pgrzelak (11/10/2002 05:44)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs