I just wrote a nice lengthy reply and i lost it cause the board timed out so ill try to keep it short and remember to cut and paste to notepad before i submit (firewall problems had to vnc to my other windows box grrrrrrrr)

your option are

1. neo
2. music keg and variants (kenwood)
3. denison (new kid in the block)
4. CD mp3 player
5. custom install of a portable (ipod/jbmm/jukebox 3)
6. ghetto install
7. old trusty empeg

option 1 should be out of the question - too many DOAs non existent support and a pitiful randomall mode. I had a neo installed in my car for a year. it sort of worked but audio quality is not perfect and later this neo died on me. the randomall mode is annoying as it repeats tracks and you can not go back and forth between shuffled tracks.

2. music keg sounds ok, but is a bit on the expensive side + has heaps of limitations - it just feels like too much of a hack. besides you could probably get a second hand empeg for cheaper. also you will need a supported head unit - have a look on phatoboxs site

3. the denison: I have not read many reviews yet - but it may be a neo successor - still SnR is at 80db which is lower than the portables out there. so audio quality will not be to great

4. CD-MP3 in dash player - The JVC one is supposed to be pretty good - this technology is getting pretty mature and I am sure DVD-MP3 in-dash players are around the corner - this would be my second choice after the Empeg

5.Custom install of a portable - install an ajmm / ipod or creative 3 in a cradle - well this would be my third chice as its a bit of a hack and i think it would be a bit difficult to set up properly without audio degradation. the portables are designed as portables not car players

6. ghetoo install of a pc - good luck ... need i say more

7. old trusty empeg - still the best car mp3 player - i am willing to take bets there will be nothing better in the next 12 months unless rob is hiding something from us - if you can get an empeg for less that 900USD get it - i would pay an arm and a leg now for an empeg if i my empeg got stolen.

hope this helps

have a look at:

Sam Saffron