"Oh I don't know how the billions will survive
but I'll believe in God when 1 and 1 are 5."
- Bad Religion, Suffer - track 13 - Do What You Want

"What Kind Of God Orchestrates Such A Thing?
10 In 2010
Ten Billion People All Suffering
10 In 2010
Truth Is Not An Issue Just Hungry Mouths To Feed
10 In 2010
Forget What You Want, Scrounge The Things You Need"
- Bad Religion, The Grey Race - track um... 2? - 10 in 2010

I take the apathetic approach. "Oh well, humankind has disrupted the balance of Nature and sent the Earth on a downward spiral from which it will never recover." So, it's just a matter of time.

The big question is, "do you want your kids to live in a world like that portrayed in 'Soilient Green?'" Ah, then you can consider, "Do WE CURRENTLY live in a world like that portrayed in 'Soilient Green?'" Worst of all, you can think, "If we live in the filth of a 'Soilient Green' world and don't even know it, will our children be in even worse conditions and not even realize it? Will this approach '1984' where the entire world is dead and nobody even saw it coming?"

(sorry folks, I just can't help myself with these population control issues. get's me all fired up. good thing I've finally chosen apathy. wasted too much energy on this subject to fight anymore.)
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set