Since we're on the subject of cajun food, try these if you dare.

Pecan Pralines:

3 cups white sugar
1.5 cups light brown sugar
1 can evaporated milk
a pinch of salt
5 Tbs of unsalted butter
2 Tbs of vanilla
2 cups of pecan chips (or 3 cups of halves)

First, melt the butter in a small glass in the microwave set at low power. I usually add the vanilla to the butter here so I can dump it in when it's time.

OK, add the sugar, brown sugar, milk, and salt into a 2-3 quart pot. Boil this until you reach the soft ball stage. (I'll explain later) Once you reach the soft ball stage, add the pecans, vanilla, and melted butter and remove from heat. Mix well, but don't take too long. Drop this by the spoonful onto wax paper layed out on the counter. Let cool, peel, and enjoy.

Soft ball stage: If you have a candy thermometer, soft ball is at 240-242 Farenheit. I hate thermometers, So I use the glass of water method. When you think you're getting close, drip 1 drop of the praline mixture into a glass of water. If it makes a ball and does not fall apart, you're pretty much there. If it collapses, keep on going. This is the hardest part about making pralines. If you quit boiling too soon, they never solidify, too long, and the're hard, which is not usually desireable for real pralines. They'll taste fine, just be too hard.
Too-soft pralines (runny) are a great topping for ice cream, btw!