I didn't expect a clear response, but interesting never the less. Mind if I speculate? I remember this text being in the EOL press release:

Despite its withdrawal from the aftermarket, SONICblue is now actively working with partners within the automotive industry - car manufacturers, audio component suppliers and existing aftermarket brands - to bring the advances made in SONICblue products such as the Rio car to the wider automotive market. SONICblue recognises that for compressed audio to be widely adopted within the automotive industry, car manufacturers will need to adopt technology which integrates fully into current and future car systems. SONICblue have already developed such a product in partnership with a major component supplier and will continue to push the boundaries of in-car music systems.

any coincidence Mercedes is the only auto maker listed with a booth at CES?

I don't expect a response, because this is probably complete bs, however the mind wanders sometimes.