Nice PaulWay. I can't wait to check it out.

Now, how do you manage to post beatmixes of tracks which you did not originally create? Isn't there a legality issue there at all?

For any dance / club fans, I've created one beatmix of the East Coast USA popular dance tracks from Spring 02 and am currently almost finished with the second. Instead of being strict beatmixes, I try to tell a story with the lyrics or musical themes of the songs I choose. So far, it's been the story of what's going on in my life.

If anyone's interested, PM me (or post here) and I'll see if I can distro the mix (in per-track or single-beatmix (or wav) form).

Oh, and PaulWay, about your comment from your most recent liner notes: yes, it is hard to beat mix AND match pitch. I can't wait to hear how you've tackled that. I'd love your feedback on my mixes (if you can stand to listen to candy-ass dance) and how I managed to mix beat and pitch when the track order was dictated by lyrical content and neither pitch NOR beat.

Oh, and also, what kind of equipment are you using? Haha, I only used a copy of CoolEdit96 to mix completely flat mp3-converted wavs. Addition of any new material was out of the question, but since editing was my only option, I did some crazy things to some tracks. Ah, I'd love to share ideas with other beatmixers.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set