You make it sound like lt may be about the same as progressive scan on a TV, which I would be skeptical about.
Then be skeptical. I for one, am willing to give it a try. In truth I'd be willing to settle for standard TV quality at work. But the VGA boxes can't even do that. They severely detract from the quality of the video, and you don't need anywhere near 20/20 vision to be able to see the difference.
I am not advocating a progressive scan connection to a monitor over a progressive scan connection to a TV. In fact I'd rather have the latter. At home it is possible (when I get a new TV). At work, it's not. And it's just a little too often that I'm finished early at work.
There are others that say they prefer the monitor connection, though, when done right, for brightness and clarity. So make your own decision. I'm not trying to sell you on product. I'm trying to solve my own problem.