I'm in the market for a Tivo or Replay and noticed that the new TiVo's have USB 2.0 jacks and the RePlays have Ethernet. TiVo hasn't yet said what they want to do with the USB, but it seems that there is something that the RePlay could do that we've been wanting for months... play our mp3 collection!

I doubt I'm the first to think of this, but with the RePlay's ethernet, would it be hard to have it stream mp3s on a home LAN to our entertainment racks and give us on-screen control? It has been a request on the Rio Reciever board for a long time (and even on the Central). I'm just hoping that there isn't a move to have the files stored on the RePlay - it would only eat up storage.

Hmm... didn't Rob hint that perhaps, just maybe, the plan would be to scrap the current Reciever "server" software and write a new one to work with other product plans? hmm..
Brad B.