I've so far been involved with 4 hondas personally, and all have been great. The 81 Accord was driven for probably 12 years untill it developed an occasional overheating problem. The '91 that replaced it is still going strong, and has had some minor repair work, but nothing major. The '95 Accord is about to pass 100,000, and while it's had a few small problems, it hasn't had anything major. I drive an '01 Prelude that has had it's power steering rack replaced under waranty, which did take 3 weeks to get in stock, but in the mean time I could drive the car fine. (On a side note - while your car is under waranty, be sure to take it to a non-dealer mechanic at least once for a good oil change and look over. I have no idea how long the power steering rack was leaking, but the dealership wasn't the one to notice and tell me)

Now, the seccond reason to buy a honda is resale value. Last time I looked, you paid more, but you get more back when you sold it. The scary thing was that each 10,000 miles took $1,000 off the value of the car, meaning that ever mile on the freeway costs you ten cents in a relatively new Honda.

The only thing thats going to get my mother to stop buying Hondas is a new Acura. While I'm not quite that devout, I'm pretty convinced for the time being.
