All right, I've got "why" GPSapp isn't working. After Mark released version 307 of Hijack, the error output now properly appears on my serial console.

And what GPSapp is doing, if I understand what it's telling me, is not parsing config.ini right. But I don't know why. I tried reducing the size of config.ini (from 4k to 2k) and it still didn't help.

I get a whole bunch of stuff like this on the serial console:

    match routedir inside 0 passed
    flag12=Wendy flag 13
    flag11=Wendy flag 12
    flag10=Wendy flag 11
    flag9=Wendy flag 10
    flag8=Wendy flag 9
    flag7=Wendy flag 8
    flag6=Wendy flag 7
    flag5=Wendy flag 6
    flag4=Wendy flag 5
    flag3=Wendy flag 4
    flag2=Test Wendy Flag
    flag1=Tod Likes
    flag0=Jenny Hates

    Name=Tony's Mark 2

    [User Info]
    Name=Tony Fabris


It does this for a bunch of possible parameters, not just routedir. It seems that it's trying to locate the value for "routedir" and instead of finding a nice little path string, it finds most of the rest of config.ini in the string, but NOT the string I carefully put there. Incidentally, I moved
the GPSapp section to the top of my config.ini, like this:


With the Hijack section just below it, in case there was something funky about the parsing of later elements screwing it up, it didn't change the behavior.

Question: You're not reproducing my bug, but are you running the latest hijack and are you running GPSapp his new way?

I can send a copy of my whole config.ini in a private message, if you think that would help.
Tony Fabris