Ya know, I thought I had that backwards, but I figured... hey, either no one will know or no one will care. I forgot about the type of people we have here! (Just like me... perfectionists!) Thanks for the correction, though.

Even more interesting: The ID3v2 tag does not _have_ to be at the beginning of the file; it can be _anywhere_ in the file. And, there can be multiple ID3v2 tags in a file, each containing different information (one could contain Album/Artist/Year, for instance, while another contains Composer/Conductor/Producer/Original Year). I don't know of a single widely used program or library out there which actually deals with ID3v2 correctly for cases like that, though. :)

Speaking of Emplode and ID3 tags, here's an Emplode wish: Have an option for Emplode to respect track numbers when a whole bunch of tracks from the same album are dragged into a playlist. For some reason, occasionally I will drag a bunch of folders into Emplode, and Emplode will create a hierarchical playlist, but the order of the tracks will be essentially random (presumably this is due to the whims of whatever Win32 API is used to get the elements in a directory hierarchy).

Daniel M. Zimmerman
Mk.2 #060000058, 36GB, Red
Mk.1 #00101, 10GB, Blue
Daniel M. Zimmerman Mk.2 #060000058, 36GB Mk.1 #00101, 10GB