I've seen a couple of other posts to this nature, but they were all running older builds (that forumers said were flawed?), so those don't help me...

(I'm running the version2.0-beta11 software and Emplode).

My Empeg player now locks up after booting and starting the first song (in it's cache, I assume; it plays for 1-2 seconds then locks up). Before booting, it sits at the "Building Music Database..." screen for ~30 seconds before continuing to boot, much longer than normal.

What seems to have hosed the player is that I was running a sync overnight (via ethernet). When I checked on it the next morning both the player and Emplode software appeared to have hung at some point in the process (I was syncing about 1-2 gigs of music). I rebooted the player, and then started getting the problem.

I'm in no ways a unix adept, so any help is appreciated Thanks, I'm dreading driving into work without any music...
mhemby@ensemblestudios.com 20GB Mark2a (Smoke) 1998 VW Cabrio