Hello ADent,

You report that the Seek Tool only handles tracks up to 4hr37mins. If this is the case, then this is a bug.

Have you experienced this problem on more than one track? If so, would you mind getting in touch with me so that I can fix this problem?

I suspect that the track has a dodgy duration tag which can lead to the observed behaviour. If you can provide me with the file you experienced the problem with then I can tell you for sure.

Regarding the seek tool jumps: Since the track is scaled to the screen width, it is possible to calculate the exact size of a jump. There are 128 pixels on the screen, and 4 jumps per pixel (you should have to click the knob four times to get to the next pixel). So simply dividing the track duration in seconds by 512 will give you the number of seconds per jump. The 4 jumps per pixel is arbitrary and could be user settable. Note also that for VBR encoded tracks, particularly long ones, the seek accuracy is reduced by the fixed sized TOC.
