I'd like to hook up my 10CD sony changer directly also. The way I do it now is that my sony's in the trunk (with the changer) and I extended the "joystick" control. With that I can change the tracks/CD's. And the head unit goes into the EMPEG's AUX.

My guess is that it can be done with the serial port (for info on sony unilink protocol look here: http:// www.eriksen.no/unilink/ ) but this requires some real electronics (microcontroller) geeks I'm afraid. Maybe it's even possible to "abuse" the MK2 tuner connector to control a changer (this will probably start a flame)


W@lly.nl ------------------------ Reg:1934/Mk1:158-Blue(sold)/Mk2:380-Amber(sold)/Mk2a:3273-Blue