Machines that I use on a regurlar basis...
Beige G3/266 upgraded to G4/500, Radeon 7000, 7200 RPM 40 Gig HD, 640Megs RAM, bus overclocked to 83Mhz, etc, etc
Bondi Blue iBook 300
Yikes G4 Tower 350Mhz, 700 and something megs RAM (Work)
Machines that collect dust in my closet...
Powermac 6100/66
Powermac 6100/60
Mac SE/30
Mac SE/30
Mac LC 2
Mac LC
Machine used as a monitor stand

Mac IICi
As you can tell I am not very good at getting rid of old computers. I had a couple of 386s that I finally disposed of last time I moved, but you never know when you might want an old SE/30 to turn into a fishtank or something. There are also a few PCs (running linux or FreeBSD) and a NeXT cube floating around here somewhere.