<Hank Hill> That ain't right! </Hank Hill>

I was going by this:
Linux version 2.2.17-rmk5-np17-empeg52-hijack-v312

On my boot log (v320) I see:
Linux version 2.2.17-rmk5-np17-empeg52-hijack-v320


Very odd that you'd see v320 when you boot up... When I saw that, I looked at the Hijack version log and saw that the khttpd_root_index option wasn't valid for that version. That's the only explanation I could come up with as to why we aren't seeing any errors (or success messages) relating to launching emphatic. On my boot log, I get this:
hijack_exec("/usr/local/bin/emphatic"), rc=0 (okay)

And if there were some kind of error, we'd see a non-zero number in the "rc=" field.

So I'm officially stumped.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff