I'm not so convinced. I only tended to watch the last 20 minutes of qualifying before and it tended to be quite exciting, with new fastest laps coming every 30 seconds or less as the hour closed.

Today was much less exciting to me, you have to wait 2 minutes between each new time.

The biggest loss to me however is F1 Digital+. I was in heaven last season, paying my six quid a race (with a season ticket) for quality coverage. But Bernie pulled the plug this year so I am back to ITV.

The world feed that ITV use just does not compare to the Bernievision feeds from last year. Add to that the dire pap that the ITV team surround the coverage with plus the advert breaks and watching is just plain painful.

I am seriously considering not watching many races this year. I will give the first couple a go and see how I get on.

I'm desparately hoping that Bernievision will be back in some form next year.

As to the rest of the rule changes, we will have to see. I am very pleased to see driver aids on the way out, some of the other don't seem to make as much sense.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday