Agreed. It's just too plausible for me to think it's a conspiracy theory -- we're not talking junk science moon landing is a hoax, here. Even if you think Bush is dumber than a sack full of hammer handles, I have no doubt that he and his cabal sat down to look at the repercussions of this whole war. There's no way this war can be a simple in-out type of mission, so I think it's naive to think that they don't have some plan that's far more reaching in scope than simply deposing Saddam. Now add in the background of Bush's advisors, who have been arguing for this very thing for years -- Bush might not have thought of the future, but the guys behind him sure have. This isn't stuff that's being bandied about by your average X-Files watchin', supermarket tabloid reader in his blog. It's stuff written by journalists who have been around politics for quite some time.