Is a guitar output in the same category as the empeg line-level rca out?
I'm not really sure what the specifics are. All I can tell you is what I know from experience in a similar situation.
Hmm... from another thread, it looks as though it's situation dependent -- car audio line level is 4V, in-home line level is somewhere around 1V. Musical instruments may be another category.
You can probably find some code online that will determine pitch based on audio input.
Aha! That's the word I was stuck on... pitch. All I could think was frequency, but I knew there was a music word for it.
I managed to find a java app while searching around for reference wav files.
My first thought is that the sampling limitation of the mike input might be an issue, but the high E is only going to be about 300Hz, so that's probably not a big deal.
So if the mike input can't sample fast enough, then my sampled input wouldn't be a true representation of the note I was playing... yuck. I'd have to do some sort of anti-aliasing signal reconstruction, then. Bleh... I didn't do so hot in that class in uni.
Also note that you can get a pickup for an acoustic guitar, if you're so inclined.
I think I'll wait and find out if I like my new neighbours before I accost them with my neophyte guitar practice at an amplified level.
Edit: PS... the guitar is now in tune.