Could someone link me to some good advice on how to set up a dual boot system? Here's the situation:

I want to be able to play some of my old games again. Win2K isn't the best option for that type of thing. I want to set up a dual boot system with Win2K and Win98SE.

My drive config is:
-Device0: 80GB master w/Win2K (NTFS)
-Device1: 100GB slave for data files (NTFS)
-connected to an ATA Controller card is a 25GB HDD for a few archives (FAT32)

Obviously, I'd want to use the 25GB drive since I can't install Win98 on NTFS. My concern is whether or not this is possible. I would think that this would be easier than partitioning a drive with an OS already installed, but is what I want to do possible?