I use emphatic to get access to the ID3v2 comment field. According to the readme it supports these tags:

artist, title, source, year, genre - self explanatory
comment - the track's ID3v2 comment field
plays - number of times the track has been played
lastplay - the date the track was last played (mm/dd/yyyy)
trackelapsed - the current elapsed time in the track
tracklength - the total length of the track
ppos - the position within the current running order
plength - the total number of tracks in the current running order
bitrate - the bitrate of the file
duration - the total track duration in ms
size - size of the file in bytes
codec - the codec (mp3/wav)

You can use these to create your own custom info display, with horizontal/vertical scrolls... pretty neat. I am guessing here, but it *looks* like the comment field is the only actual ID3v2 tag, the others are probably taken from the players database. Tony?
_______ Thomas