I wish people would stop thinking they are entitled to jobs because of their disability ...
Did you read the article about the birthmarked girl? She worked at that McDonalds more than anyone I think I've ever heard of. People had, essenitally, been promoted over her a lot. When questioned, they explicitly stated that it was because of the way you look.

While I understand where the McDonalds is coming from, in no way is she expecting a job because of the way she looks. She simply doesn't want to be refused the job for that reason alone.

In addition, she wants to be a manager. The managership should definitely not have any requirement on physical appearance, while I understand why front counter operation might. However, they're requiring that she operate the front counter to be considered for a managerial position, which means that they're making physical appearance a requirement for a position which has no such real requirement. I have the feeling that she would be fine if they would just say that she didn't need to have particualr expertise at that area of the store, and say that she needed further experience elsewhere in the store. Not to mention that they apparently told her that she would be provided with management opportunity, which is obviously what she was going for. Why else would you work at a McDonalds for over two years, especially at age 32?

I've got no defense for the fat guy, unless they told him to his face that he was too fat to stand behind a register and that's why they weren't hiring him.
Bitt Faulk