From: <>
> It's got nothing to do with Denon. D&M own DNNA who own Rio who own the IP. D&M also own Denon but they're going to be very confused by this.

It was my mistake then. I assumed that when D&M Holdings was formed to merge the operations of Denon and Marantz, it meant that Denon was somehow involved and that a message to them would eventually find its way to someone that would be able to provide some answers. Rather stupid, actually.

I should have tried to contact someone at the D&M Holdings US's new subsidiary, Digital Networks North America (DNNA), but I'm assuming that they're so new that it'll be ages before I'd get any sort of response.

On the IP rights thing, I was going with what Tatsuo Kabumoto, CEO and president of D&M Holdings was quoted as saying, "We will leverage the intellectual property and the excellent engineering talent from the ReplayTV and Rio businesses across our D&M brands while positioning these businesses to be more profitable."

Sort of sounded like the IP rights were their's. I'll have to look into this a bit more, but as DNNA is still climbing out of it's box, it'll be some time before I could get any sort of answer.

In any case, I screwed up. Really sorry.

> The person who can raise this officially for you is me. I said I didn't want to raise it officially, and suggested you may not really need to do so. Since you clearly do want to do so I'd suggest you're out of luck as our company changed hands today and nobody is going to want to spend time thinking about a long discontinued product right now.

Rob, maybe I'm misreading your post, but if I offended you in any manner, I apologize.

I know that it sounds assinnine to go as far as I do in these things, but I have good reason. In the casting field we've seen some stalwart, well-established companies close their doors because of copyright infringement. I simply wanted to do what I believe is the right thing.

And much thanks for your help. :O)

> tfabris replied:
> ... well, handy? Ba-DUM. "Thank you, I'm here all week."

Yeah, I couldn't resist that one.

> Ah, cool... What about swirled colors or patterns, or faux stone/wood?


> Were you going to do colored translucent fascias...

Yes, actually. I wasn't sure how well it would be received, but it might look cool with matching/contrasting buttons.

> Oh, and about the buttons... some... have a "keyed" D-shaped knob shaft, and others have a round shaft...

No, I didn't know that. All of the buttons, or just the big one? Only one button had that problem?

Thanks. :O)
Mike Jackson Casting Fool & Son Augusta, GA USA