I agree somewhat, but I think a lot depends on the area.

Again, in Williamsburg, area drivers are unbelievably slow. I can honestly say that I drive in the fastest 5% of all citizens in the area. I also don't feel that I drive unsafely. I'm not entirely certain why people drive so slowly here. One reason is that they are mostly retired people in their 80's (my entire neighborhood is filled with retired people). The other is that the rest of the people here are tourists who have no clue where they are, so they drive extra slow.

Both of these are possible, but I think it's mostly a different mindset. I've observed that about 75% of all the people in Williamsburg go exactly the speed limit, about 15% go 5pmh over, another 5% go 10mph over, and I'm in that last 5%

OTOH, in northern VA, where I love to drive, about 90% of the people fall into that top 25%, edging towards the faster end. I love driving here.

I don't mind the speed limit as long as people observe MY speed limit. This goes back to that whole discussion on slower traffic keeping to the left, which I don't want to get back into again. All I can say is, I generally "urge" people to get over, and I continue to go my own speed, while looking out for cops much in the same way Tony does