Arrgh. Don't you just hate it when;

A neighbor invites you to a party. You don't really want to go because you don't really know them that well and you are shy (even if you do a good job of hiding it most of hte time). When you get there, you end up drinking more than you intended to because it was a great party.

Then then you walk back home and realise that you ripped the dash out of your car during the day hunting down a ground loop, and never got to put it back. And you then realise that your wife needs to use the car at 7am to get to a professional exam.

Aaargh. What to do? Reassemble the dash in an inebriated state or in an hungover state at 6am?

Drunk or Hungover?

Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.