Remember too that the map of coverage is their idealistic map in perfect conditions! Its not showing proposed coverage is it?

No, it's not proposed coverage. Remember that I said once outside the Agusta area, I lost all coverage. I think it would absurd to think that from Agusta, through Atlanta, all the way to Dallas(GA), there would be no coverage whatsoever. To think that the entire state of Georgia(or close to it) was out of service for 3 days just seems to be unrealistic. I imagine that could be the case but it does seem odd.

My best theory would be just lack of GSM. The only problem I have with that theory is that Atlanta is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the southeast but it's one of the last areas to have a GSM network implemented? Does that seem kosher?

Does anybody live in the Atlanta area? Does anybody know anyone that does live in the Atlanta area?

I'm just concerned that my phone is going to be useless to me outside my home calling area because cingular hasn't updated their networks to GSM across the country(I'll be in southern Florida next week). If someone could point me to a map of GSM/TDMA coverages from cingular I sure would appreciate it.
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." Vince Lombardi