Some of this is almost touchingly naive.
That's what comes of reading
Atlas Shrugged 58 times!!
I do agree, of course, with most of personal-liberties stuff...
Yes....too bad it is mixed up with so much other bad juju!
At least some of the state Libertarian parties (like
the one here in Washington State ) disavow elements of the national party platform. Our state party, for example, doesn't say that state universities should be abolished. This is in a state, though, where the 2 big state universities (UW and WSU) are pretty popular, so it is my conclusion that the local Libs don't necessarily disagree with the national platform -- they just know that parts of it are unelectable here.
The purists are nuts, though. Granted, national and international organizations like the CDC and WHO are far from perfect, but if you ever want some cheap entertainment, ask a pure Libertarian at a party how things like SARS and the recent monkey pox outbreak in the US would be handled in their perfectly Rand world.
OK, I'm biased. I used to work for the health department... and, to the extent that we have any democracy left in this country, I believe that public libraries and public education form its foundation.