Thanks, glad you like it!
Looking at the program, it seems like such a simple thing. But you wouldn't believe what a pain it was to code. Mostly because of the UI design choices I made. For instance, getting the rounded corners on the windows is like pulling teeth. I could have drawn region windows specifying point-to-point coordinates, but that would have been a pain. I finally found some example code on the 'net which created a region window from the form's bitmap and used that. (Note how you can see daylight through the gap by the handle hinges; that was my primary goal.

And then there was trying to deal with all of the permutations of long and short and double clicks, and drags, in such a way that it "felt right" to use. Sometimes it's hard to keep all of the event chains straight in your head.
I've just discovered another bug in the program I'll have to fix eventually... but I'll leave it up to you guys to find it.