
Last week I was in a bicycle accident. I was cycling in the proper direction of traffic flow, down the outside of one lane of slow moving traffic and one lane of parked cars. One of the cars parked illegally on yellow lines attempted a u-turn. One of the cars infront of me flashed his lights to let the turning car out. The car proceeded to turn across my path and make the u-turn without checking whether anything else was approaching from his right. I crashed squarely into his drivers door, smashing his window and denting the door, and quite seriously bending my bike.

He is claiming that it is my fault, claiming that he wasn't able to see me and that I was travelling very fast.

I feel that because I was travelling in the proper direction of traffic for my lane, that it is his duty of care to observe ALL traffic before manoevering. Due to the point of impact on his car, he was clearly half way across the road when I hit him, showing that he proceeded with the turn without checking.

He phoned me the other day stating that if I didn't try and claim for my bike, that he wouldn't try and claim for his car.

Obviously his repair bill is going to be much higher than mine, if I lose.

So.... Who's fault was it?
