I can attest that those mosquito magnets DO work

Here in Alaska we have mosquito populations that have to be seen to be believed. Spraying oneself with mosquito repellant reduces the number of mosquitoes that are biting you simultaneously but does not stop the bolder ones. Last night on a mountain bike ride, I probably had 20-30 mosquitoes on my legs, arms, neck and face, even after liberal spraying. I have been on bike rides where I had difficulty breathing heavily (climbing a steep hill) because the mosquitoes were so thick that each inhalation would suck them in unless I breathed only through my nose, where the nose hairs could filter them out.

My particular neighborhood where I live doesn't suffer too much from mosquitoes; but people who live in the outlying areas are just about forced to remain indoors on the days when the mosquitoes are particularly bad -- perhaps something to do with their breeding cycles? (The mosquitoes, not the people, you perverts! )

All that said, several people in my office have purchased the Mosquito Magnet. All are absolutely unreserved in their praise for it. Our engineer brought in a quart-size Zip-Loc bag filled nearly to capacity with dead mosquitoes that the Mosquito Magnet collected over a single weekend.

The downside, as has been mentioned, is they are expensive. Here in Alaska, anywhere from $350--$550, depending mostly on supply and demand. The stores are always sold out of them.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"