Two of my suggestions, huh? You should really think more about taking my word for anything.

Seriously, though, I think this is the exact reason music sharing is good. If you could have just listened to Dignan's copy of that Rilo Kiley album, you'd need not have wasted your $15 on it. Or maybe you'd have been inclined to like something that you thought you wouldn't.

See, I think we're (mostly) all friends here, and letting friends borrow music you've got is part of American (if not worldwide) culture, and I don't see anything wrong with that. If we were closer, I'm sure I'd have let you borrow my albums (including the Longwave one, which after seeing your impressions of the other albums, I have the feeling you'd like more than the Sparta album -- it's more mellow), and the internet allows me to do that without needing to be physically close. And it's not like either of us would gain anything, anyway, as I hardly ever touch my CDs once they're on the empeg, and I trust you enough to buy it yourself if you thought you'd buy it after hearing a CD you'd have to return to me.

Anyway, rant done.
Bitt Faulk