Well, kind of...

I'm buying a house, which has caused me to turn my focus towards bringing in cash in pretty much any way possible. I've just sold my car, so my empeg has no home. Now, I'm trying to decide if I really need my tuner.

Since the empeg's not in a car, the tuner's not much use to me currently, and it will be a few months before I have another car. I've placed an order for a pcats tuner kit, but I'm number 237, and it's possible I'll never be able to get the kit due to problematic sourcing of parts.

I'm trying to weigh the risks of selling my tuner now and hoping to replace it with a pcats kit in the future. On the one hand, it's an original tuner, and the pcats kit my never materialize. On the other hand, I really need the money, and won't be able to use a tuner for several months anyway.

So, here's the deal. $350 would make my decision for me. It's kind of high, but not out of line with what some of them have sold for. If there's anyone out there that just absolutely has to have a tuner now, here's your chance. I'd spring for shipping in the US, but international would have to pay their own way.

If any of you would like to take me up on this, just let me know.