As much as I try and stay away from compaq the only low range server that has me hooked is the proliant 1600. Now I am on a quest to find one to setup as a personal server, basically just to experiment on. I thought I would ask here, as this community seems to have connections in just about every department. Anyways, if anyone has one at work, home, knows a friend that has one, a suplus reseller, etc. that wants to sell one please let me know. It would really be appreaciated.

Im just looking for a basic 1600 with at least a pII 300 mhz processor..obviously the faster the better. And have around $150-200 to spend.

I looked around ebay and found a few, but nothing did strike me as a "great" deal... even though I guess $150-200 isn't much money, so I really shouldn't get my hopes up. But hey, im a starving college kid.

Thanks again,