I've already debunked this one on like 3 or 4 different forums...

Anyone wanting this one better be prepared to pay $126. The two separate $100 rebates are not likely to be honored, becuase:

1. Someone on Anandtech called Western Digital and confirmed that it's one rebate per household. The representative said that they would not honor both rebates for a single sale.
2. Even if people play games and submit the rebates from two different addresses, they can tell it's the same sale (receipt required.)
3. Dell's track record on these things is they get overloaded with orders and are back-ordered for many weeks at a time. One of the rebates expires 30 days from today, so if your order is back-ordered for more than 2 or 3 weeks, you'll be very unlikely to get it there in time.

I am big on WD drives, especially the SE's. Both my PC's are WD-only... But I am almost certain that 99% of the people who try to do this will end up only getting one of the rebates back. $122 still isn't a bad price for the 200GB SE, but I ended up getting a 160GB SE a couple months ago for less per GB... So keep shopping unless you really like your luck on getting 2 rebates which both state "one per household."
- Tony C
my empeg stuff