Agreed, and I'm sure Jeff would as well. I think information on the site or others like it is informative. It seems odd to think of someone sitting in the theatre counting uses of the f word, but anything else would be open to interpretation. Mild language or adult language are phrases that are just to open to interpretation. I watched The Shawshank Redemption with some friends who felt the language was too intense. I remember mentally turning on the Wendy filter for Pulp Fiction. As has already been said but bears repeating, the failure of such sites is in the mixture of personal belief with raw data. Personal critique only means something if I know who the person is and have made the decision to trust their feelings on a subject. Raw data in this sense (meaning on this site) is more powerful and more usable. At the same time descriptions often seem worse than they are. Rob Roy for example has a rape scene. When you see the movie though the scene is troubling but less than graphic. The Outlaw Josey Whales has a rape scene as well which is far more disturbing. Placing both in the same category is not helpful to someone trying to decide whether or not to watch the movie.
-Michael West