Is there any reason more Democrats aren't voting for Clark other than the fact that he jumped in late?
Like I said, I haven't voted at all. (And I assume you mean this poll, not the US populace.)

My first reason to distrust Clark is that he's a career-miltary Democrat? That's a little hard to swallow. I need to study his military record more closely, but I don't want someone who's gung-ho. I cansee how being in the military could lead you to that viewpoint, but I can see how it could bring you to be reticent to engage in military action, while being capable when necessary. I'd love the latter, but hate the former possibly more. His current rhetoric doesn't lend itself either way. All he's said is that attacking Iraq was wrong because they had nothing to do with terrorism, which I agree with. But that begs the question of what should have been done instead. My preferred answer would be that we should have secured Afghanistan and dealt with North Korea diplomatically, perhaps pushing the UN to deal more strongly with international human rights issues, including those in Iraq. But I fear that his might be that we should have attacked someone else instead. It would definitely be better than what happened under Bush, but not my ideal situation.

I like his tax simplification ideas and the push to get the rich to pay more, but I'm not sure if that might imply a conservative fiscal standpoint, which I'm not a fan of. I think that it takes money to make this country work, and the more I see tax cuts, the more worried I get. Not, again, that he's said ``tax cuts'', more just ``tax redistribution''. But it raises a flag.

I realize that I now know more about Clark's fiscal policy than anyone else's. I need to do more research.
Bitt Faulk