unfortunately I too received the incorrect cable with my order in August. Serial number in 09000350's.

If you are sure you got an incorrect serial cable, contact (i think the address is) dispatch@empeg.com and have them send you a proper one. You should have received a correct one already.

However, just being unable to do the upgrade doesn't necessarily mean that the cable is bad. You might simply have another piece of bacground software (such as PalmSync) grabbing the serial port and preventing the upload from working. Or maybe the serial port shares an interrupt with the modem or the mouse, preventing it from working.

Check out this FAQ entry and see if you can get Hyperterminal working.

I have been completely unable to connect to my Empeg with any Serial cable I have tried. :/

Remember that it needs to be a null modem cable. A straight-through serial cable won't work (and this is precisely the problem with the one bad batch of cables that accidentally got shipped).

If you're sure that you tried a null modem cable and it didn't work, then I'd start looking beyond the cable for possible sources of the problem. For instance, try using Hyperterminal on a different computer (but with the same cable) and see if it works.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris