is it possible to attach the .net (however) ?
Sure! See attached. I thought the .net actually got in the way of your message. The reason I didn't attach it is because of a few reasons you might want to keep in mind:

1) A domain name and company name are not necessarily the same thing.
2) Are you Rowi or are you
3) A domain name can always be placed elsewhere on print items. A logo doesn't have to do everything for you.
4) I worked for dot com's and I resent them.

Just things to keep in mind - except for #4 of course.

Would this be free for using
Sure, I made it. Consider that kiwi royalty free!

I have to play aound with the bird ;-) to see if it's printable.
I didn't bother to make the Rowi at a printable dpi. So... It's not going to look that great printed unless it is shrunk down pretty far. Otherwise, it's going to be pretty fuzzy.

Attachments (182 downloads)

- trs