Thou shalt not kill. Despite your assertion (I think it was you that wrote it), I've never seen that interpreted as "thou shalt not murder," until now. He's sent more people to the chair than any Texan gov. in history, has little regard for the slaughter of life due to the wars.
The Commandments are in the Old Testament, and whether the ancient word in question is better translated by "murder" or "kill", the Old Testament is stuffed with calls for judicial execution, and indeed with slaughterous wars.

Speaking of which, what ever happened to "turn the other cheek"? Does no one understand why violence is a circle?
"Turn the other cheek" is New Testament, and Jesus was IMO very much trying to show the contradiction between the two, to make the point that the harsh desert sensibilities of the Old Testament could be counterproductive in more advanced civilisations.
