I'd try to find/borrow an adjustable [lab] power supply with adjustable current limiter to power it.

I've got one right here. Looks like the board takes whatever current I set the limit to.
anything else that got hot?

No, just these two components were getting hot AFAICT. Excellent hint Michael, that got me thinking. I removed the CPLD chip and the Power LED glowed. Additional checking with the voltmeter indicated that the LM317 is fine. So the short is in the chip.I wonder what I've done wrong, the program I loaded seemed to work and I admit that I am surprised that one can generate a short with a faulty program... must have something to do with constraints and reserved pins. I'll just get a new chip I guess, as I don't see a way to erase it out of it's development board since I don't have access to a dedicated chip-programmer. Thanks, it is a lot more satisfying to know where the mistake lies.
_______ Thomas