Wow, that's incredibly strange. I'm simply setting the position of a hidden form. Lemme look at the code...

Wow, there's literally nothing there that should screw things up. The Illegal function call happens when the arguments to a function are out-of-range. In this case, I'm just setting the upper left corner of the preview window to touch the right side of the main window. The commands are:

PreviewWindow.Left = LogoEdit.Left + LogoEdit.Width
PreviewWindow.Top = LogoEdit.Top

So there's something screwy with the values it's getting for "Top", "Left", or "Width". It probably has something to do with the screen measurements on your system. VB uses a "twips" system, where there's 15 twips per pixel in "small fonts" mode, and 12 twips per pixel in "large fonts" mode. That probably has something to do with it. There is a new debug version attached to this message which displays that value, lemme know what the value is on your system.

Thanks again for testing this for me.

Tony Fabris

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Tony Fabris